Saturday, October 27, 2012

If I had to vote today

I'm still an undecided voter in terms of many of the down-ballot elections. On some of them, I still have no clue since I have yet to do my research. So, with a week and a half till voting time, this is where I stand. Please challenge me on any of this. However, unless you have some really incredible point to make regarding the presidential race, I think I have gotten more than my share of information on that race. I would prefer if you saved your comments for the races down the ballot.

Race Candidates AZ Republic Pick My Pick Rationale
Presidential Race Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein Mitt Romney Barack Obama I would say I'm leaning Obama. I may decide to go third party. I have a fairly surprising long list of reasons I've been less than satisfied with Obama's last four years. None more than his willingness to assassinate suspected terrorists without trial even when they happen to be US citizens. And then his use of drones to perform these assassinations. The problem with Mitt Romney is that not only has he endorsed these practices but has indicated he would expand on them.
US Senate Jeff Flake, Richard Carmona, Marc Victor Jeff Flake Richard Carmona I think Jeff Flake is a great candidate and I wouldn't mind a Flake victory here. Richard Carmona has an amazing background; he is a viciously independent thinker; and more moderate than Flake. This is a close call for me, but I really want Democrats to hold onto the Senate.
US Representatives in Congress District 9 Vernon Parker, Kyrsten Sinema, Powell Gammill Kyrsten Sinema Kyrsten Sinema I like Vernon Parker. He's more moderate than most Republicans currently in Congress. He opposes Ryan's economic plan for example. Although, he's trying too hard to defend much of the Republican ideology and he has a very difficult time doing so. Check him out here on Sunday Square off for example Sinema has a pretty boiler plate agenda, but she's extremely smart and has an impressive record in the legislature.
State Senator District 26 Jerry Lewis, Ed Ableser, Damian Trabel Jerry Lewis Ed Ableser I think Jerry Lewis has been a good Senator, but he does have some curious votes, going a long with a pretty kooky party far too many times, apparently even voting for an insane UN bill "Lewis says he voted for the UN bill after being assured that it would die in the House." And being the decisive vote on getting the insane proposition 120 on the ballot. In the past year or so, he's been much more engaged then Ableser,and has been and over all a moderate voice in the House. Ableser prioritized his first born over spending time with a pretty polarized legislature. Overall though, I think we need Democrats in the Senate.
State Representative District 26 Raymond Speakman, Mary Lou Taylor, Juan Mendez, Andrew Sherwood, Chris Will, Haryaksha Gregor Knaue Juan Mendez and Andrew Sherwood Juan Mendez and Andrew Sherwood The first easy one on the ballot. I know nothing about Mary Lou Taylor, she skipped the debate and according to the article refuses to stake positions on key issues. Juan Mendez and Andrew Sherwood have passion and energy and would be good assets in the House.
Corporation Commissioner Bob Stump, Susan Bitter Smith, Robert Burns, Paul Newman, Marcia Busching, Sandra Kennedy, Christopher Gohl, Daniel Pout, Thomas Meadows Bob Burns, Bob Stump, and Marcia Busching Bob Stump, Marcia Busching, and Sandra Kennedy Bob Stump is extremely smart and accomplished, Marcia Busching also seems smart, pragmatic, and reasonable. I'm thinking about going with Sandra Kennedy as my third choice. Bob Burns is probably the better qualified candidate, but Kennedy isn't bad. She's an incumbent and a Democrat, so going with ideology here.
County Attorney Bill Montgomery and Michael Kielsky Not Sure Bill Montgomery I haven't studied this race enough yet. Kielsky is a libertarian and is focused specifically on avoiding prosecuting "victimless crimes - drugs, prostitution. I think this is a bit too far, though it's an appealing thought. Montgomery is far better than his predecessor who was more inclined to go after political enemies. The Democrats sent no one to oppose him.
County Recorder Helen Purcell Not Sure Nor Sure She's running unopposed, but I reserve the right to not vote for her. I need to do my research here.
Sherriff Joe Arpaio, Paul Penzone, Mike Stauffer Paul Penzone Paul Penzone The easiest race on the ballot - by a mile. Literally, if you vote for Arpaio, you are either not paying attention or a hopeless partisan who would vote for Republican no matter how bad.
County Treasurer Charles Hoskins Not Sure Not Sure
Central AZ Water Conservation District Janie Thom, Lisa Atkins, Robin Bain, Linda Brickman, Gayle Burns, Guy Carpenter, Terry Goddard, Carrie Hamstra, Heather Macre, Jean McGrath, Brett Mecum, John Minieri, Pamela Pickard Terry Goddard, Lisa Atkins, Pamela Pickard, Guy Carpenter, Heather Macre Terry Goddard, Heather Macre, Guy Carpenter, Pamela Pickard Terry Goddard has influence and experience. Heather Macre is young and cares about climate change. Guy Carpenter has experience and expertise. Lisa Atkins has done a lot on the board. The rest are either too extremely conservative or I could find no good information bout them.
Maricopa County Special Health Care District District 1 Mary Harden, William Bruno Not Sure Mary Harden I'm going with Mary Harden on this one. She is a career nurse and has worked within MIHS for most of that career. Although Bill Bruno the incumbent seems to have better answers, he has no direct medical experience, has been more of a manager over his career.
Maricopa County Community College District 1 Frank Denogean, Doyle Burke Not Sure Doyle Burke Burke is the clear choice here. He's been an English professor at a community college and the incumbent. Denogean has had a checkered past and is a substitute teacher currently.
Tempe Union No. 213 Question 1 Bond Approval Not Sure Yes I'm voting on anything that gives our schools more money.
Tempe Union No. 213 Question 2 Bond Approval Not Sure Yes I'm voting on anything that gives our schools more money.
Tempe Union No. 213 High School Governing Board Moses Sanchez, Dave Wells, Don Hawker, Michele Helm, Sandy Lowe Not Sure Moses Sanchez, Dave Wells, and Michele Helm Moses Sanchez is a return Afghanistan veteran with kids in high school. Dave Wells is an ASU professor and Michele Helm is a long-time educator. A good mix of experience. Don Hawker is too conservative. Sandy Lowe is good, but I liked the other three better.
Tempe Elementary No. 3 Budget Increase Not Sure Yes
School Governing Board Tempe Elementary No. 3 Rochelle Wells, Teresa Devine, Suzanne Durkin-Bighorn, Kathleen Espinoza Not Sure Rochelle Wells, Teresa Devine, and Kathleen Espinoza Rochelle Wells is the incumbent and she came to our house for a personal chat (though long-winded). Loved Teresa Devine's answers to the survey and her experience. Kathleen Espinoza is a long-time educator. Had trouble finding any information on Durkin-Bighorn.
City of Tempe Question 1 Bond for Public Safety Not Sure Yes
City of Tempe Question 2 Bond for Park Improvements Not Sure Yes
City of Tempe Question 3 Bond for Infrastructure Preservation Not Sure Yes
Judges Skipping Skipping
Proposition 114 Proposition protecting crime victims from getting sued. Opposes No Just a waste of time.
Proposition 115 Proposition changing the process for Judge Selection. Opposes No We need to keep our judicial system non-partisan, this proposition will reduce its independence.
Proposition 116 Property tax exemptions for small businesses. Supports No Let's keep our tax code simple.
Proposition 117 Property Tax Assessed Evaluation. Opposes No It will defund our government in the face of rising property values
Proposition 118 Establishment of Permanent Funds Supports Yes Guarantees a stream of funds for schools.
Proposition 119 State Trust Lands Supports Yes Sounds sensible to me.
Proposition 120 State Sovereignty Opposes No Dumbest proposition on the ballot.
Proposition 121 Direct Primary Election Law Supports No This will weaken political parties which I think are doing more good than people realize.
Proposition 204 Sales Tax Increase for Schools Opposes Yes We need to money for schools.


Derek said...
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Derek said...
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Derek said...

I disagree with your position on Prop 116.

I understand wanting to keep the tax code simple, however, we need more incentives for small business in the state, and this is one way of incentiving.

tempe turley said...

I think the way to incentivize businesses is by having a well funded government providing great schools and a solid infrastructure. Right now we need more revenue not less. If we can broaden the base and reduce rates for everyone, we wouldn't have to give special tax loopholes that only benefit one section of society.

tempe turley said...

By the way, for the same reason, I'm leery about 204 - it complicates the tax code... But what can you do.