Monday, August 23, 2010

My primary ballot picks

Be sure to vote, primary elections are Tuesday, August 24th.

The Arizona Republic Picks

The Arizona Republic Picks

Democratic Senate Candidates Debates

Republican Maricopa County Attorney


PositionMy SelectionBrief Explanation
SenateJohn McCainBig no brainer - JD Hayworth would be awful as an Arizona Senator
US Representative District 5Susan Bitter Smith?Not sure about this one, all of the candidates seem identically bad, but its probably between her and Schweikert.
GovernorJanet BrewerThe only real candidate left, sadly, she owes everything to Russell Pearce and HB1070. I think the office of governor covers a few more issues than one narrowly written bill.
Attorney GeneralTom HorneAnother biiig no brainer. Andrew Thomas is terrible
State TreasurerBarbara LeffShe seems to have pretty intimate knowledge of the position and seems interested in the position as it is, whereas everyone else seems to want to do way more that what a State Treasurer actually does.
Superintendent of Public InstructionMargaret DuganShe has the most credentials for the job and John Hupenthal is just no good.
Corporation CommissionGary Pearce and Brenda BurnsBarry Wong is disqualified with his statement to cut utilities for illegal immigrants which is to quote Robert Robb "is stunningly irresponsible and dumb. Electric utilities don't have access to the federal databases necessary to verify legal status. And each marginal electricity customer reduces the costs to others, not increase them."


Chris Deschene

PositionMy SelectionBrief Explanation
SenateRodney GlassmanI think his the most impressive of the candidates by a pretty big margin.
Secretary of StateExperience?
Attorney GeneralFelecia RotelliniThis is a convincing description: She will bring it on. In this field, she is the ferociously smart prosecutor who has clocked significant time in the courtroom taking down lawbreakers and unwinding the complex strands of financial fraud.
Superintendent of Public InstructionPenny KottermanShe seems more passionate, articulate, and knowledgeable about the educational system right now.
Corporation CommissionerJorge Luis Garcia and Renz JenningsNot a great reason other than AZ Republic endorses them.


Why you should not vote for Huppenthal:

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